Author Topic: TK Approved, would love verteran advice  (Read 1904 times)

Offline Madighon

TK Approved, would love verteran advice
« on: July 28, 2016, 09:26:13 AM »
My Anovos ANH Stunt TK has been approved!!!  Super excited and I've already trooped in it!  After trooping, I would love to have a chance to meet up with a veteran TK.  I would love a once over of my armor to see if I have the fit right and get advice about new strapping.  I'm currently using the Anovos supplied Velcro and elastic etc. strapping.  I also had issues with the back of my knees pinching from the thigh armor and the front of my left knee was rubbing the shin armor just under my knee cap.  The shin armor also chewed the hell out of my paint job on my boots. 

Maybe these are common questions and we can get a group together.  A little TK-101 session for us newbs. 

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Re: TK Approved, would love verteran advice
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2016, 10:42:02 AM »
I'm not quite a veteran, but here's my preliminary input!  :tongue:

For your left shin, is your knee getting banged up by the sniper plate or the armor itself? If it's just the armor, you can remove/sand down the return edge that's behind the plate to make a little more room.

As for the thighs biting you, it sounds like you may have to raise them up a tad. I had to remove the upper return edge on mine so I could raise them more.... But I'm likely much more fat large than you.
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Re: TK Approved, would love verteran advice
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2016, 12:28:10 PM »
For the knee, another thing to do is just glue in a tiny piece of padding on the inside, just enough to soften the buffer between your knee and the armor.

As for the boots yes...your days of being "death star shiny" are ending and you can expect some wear and tear on the boots (especially the ankles, due to rubbing), and the armor, in time.

SOME of the fit issues will resolve themselves as you troop more often, your body will adapt and get used to certain things.  Other things, you need to adjust.  It may take some time/troops to really figure it out.  There will be plenty of TKs (in and out of costume) at the RCCC, if you can make that.
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