Author Topic: Very excited  (Read 4690 times)

Offline Dax Corrin

Re: Very excited
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2016, 02:53:36 AM »
Cosplaysky is running a sale on their deluxe Imperial Officer costumes $30 off, but you'd want to source the hat elsewhere as theirs is not acceptable.  Madighon makes hats locally, hope I spelled it right. Then boots, a rank tile and a belt and that's a good start as long as the fitment is good. I'm leaning towards getting one myself to complement my existing costumes, and then I'll have a black Imperial Officer, Navy Trooper Warrant officer, (the guys you see behind Vader here) but I'd need the non-jodphur style pants as well to complete the look above, and the flight suit version of the Navy Trooper to go along with my main Imperial Gunner costume.
 I recommend the Reserve pilot often as a way to get in on a relative budget compared to more expensive costumes, but I've been impressed with a couple of recent Imperial Officers I saw in July, so that's a way to go too.
 BUT, being "behind the mask" can be great too, as part of the faceless Empire. So my favorite is my Imperial Gunner, which can be added if you go the flight suit reserve pilot way, and TIE pilot and Imperial bridge crewman...  TIE pilot was my first choice but I have a blast as a Gunner.
 Long story longer, take your time, come check us out and maybe sign up as a spotter for a couple of events, figure out what you have for a budget and most of all have fun! The smiles you will see on faces is why I do it.
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TI/IC/IG/IN-12485 Dax Corrin
Founder, NorthWest Quadrant Battery

Offline Leia8674

Re: Very excited
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2016, 05:00:10 PM »
Welcome to the forums!
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