Author Topic: Very excited to become a part of the Garrison  (Read 2750 times)

Offline Badfeeling6

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Very excited to become a part of the Garrison
« on: January 04, 2016, 02:43:45 PM »
Hello, my name is James, but everybody calls me Jim. I've known about the 501st Legion for a while, but now I really want to Join the CCG.

I've seen quite a few videos of the Legion doing great things in charity and the like, and I very much want to be a part of that. I've also always wanted a suit of scout trooper armor that looked even half way decent, I saw this as my chance to help out and join the fun.

I am currently looking at a suit of Scout Armor and have a few of the different parts saved in bookmarks, and was informed by the CO, Harry Starr, to come here for help on building my suit. (Not going to post links to it because not sure if that's against the rules for the forum, correct me if I'm wrong on that).

But anyways, I would very much love to become an official 501st Legion member and help out in anyway that I can with the Garrison!
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Offline CJ49er

Re: Very excited to become a part of the Garrison
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2016, 05:30:22 PM »
welcome to the forum Jim!

Loads of info at the Pathfinder forum (scout trooper detachment) and I am sure the scouts around here can chime in with more info as well. I am currently working on a scout for my wife, but am too new into this build to help much, but let me know if I can be of any.


link to Pathfinders:
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Offline L Kamino

Re: Very excited to become a part of the Garrison
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2016, 09:16:38 AM »
Welcome, Jim!  People do post links and/or images of items to get opinions during their builds.  There's a lot of knowledgeable folks here, and lots of scouts to help you. 

Good luck with your costume!


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Offline Lidocaine

Re: Very excited to become a part of the Garrison
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2016, 10:21:57 AM »
Hello and welcome to the boards!

We have some great scouts here in Cloud City, and I think there's two scouts that recently completed their armor and were approved, so you're in good company!

The detachment website that Chris linked is a great resource and feel free to dig into all of the build threads there! Lots of info to digest, but feel free to post pictures of your build in progress, we love seeing stuff getting put together and any vets can give pointers too! Best of luck, and feel free to visit us at any upcoming troops too!
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Luke - BH/TB/TK-44228

Offline Badfeeling6

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Re: Very excited to become a part of the Garrison
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2016, 02:47:48 PM »
Thank you all for the warm welcome! I can tell already that this is going to be super fun to be a part of.

I'm already on the Pathfinder forums, got approved just a bit before I got approved here actually haha.

I'm going to make another post on the forums asking my question, because I feel it's a big one: Has to do with the actual armor pieces, not just the under stuff.
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Offline Bowfanny

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Re: Very excited to become a part of the Garrison
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2016, 10:26:08 PM »
Welcome! I'm another person hopeful to become a scout. I actually have my armor and am waiting on my helmet. Actually I'm working on as much of it as I can. My base boots came from the Kmart and I'm using the tutorials on BSN aka Pathfinders to build them slowly. My armor is SC which is the highest recommended other than the top of the line stuff. If you can get in on The WTF presale he's selling amazing kits with everything that rivals majority of the kits available but that's to the first ten. Welcome again and if I can help let me know!
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Offline bigguynextdoor

Re: Very excited to become a part of the Garrison
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2016, 07:43:28 PM »
Welcome aboard! :)
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Offline B-Pfau

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Re: Very excited to become a part of the Garrison
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2016, 08:34:44 AM »
Welcome to the boards Jim!
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Offline NavySith

Re: Very excited to become a part of the Garrison
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2016, 05:38:20 PM »
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Offline Dax Corrin

Re: Very excited to become a part of the Garrison
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2016, 08:43:02 AM »
Hey lots of new treedodgers coming onboard! Scouts have almost as much fun as Gunners.   :wink:

Welcome to the forums!
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