Author Topic: Reminder about Rogue One spoilers!  (Read 1663 times)

Offline stevo502

Reminder about Rogue One spoilers!
« on: December 02, 2016, 08:23:29 AM »
Copied from last year, I guess this might become an annual post...a few weeks early but I'll bump it closer to the release as a reminder.

Just wanted to put a reminder out to everyone on our forums that even though you may be seeing the new movie on the first day, there will still be a lot of folks that will be waiting for various reasons (work, family, whatever). And some folks are even avoiding trailers and interviews, so any discussions of cast or characters would fall into spoiler territory.

PLEASE make sure any topics started contain the word SPOILERS in them if you're going to discuss the movie AT ALL. And try to avoid posting spoilers to comments in other threads.

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