Author Topic: Just placed the order for my (AM) TK build!  (Read 313 times)

Offline Maeve

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Just placed the order for my (AM) TK build!
« on: April 22, 2024, 08:14:29 PM »
A question for anyone and everyone, how long did it take you to finish your first build? How “finished” did you order your pieces? What tools did you use? I’m planning on using my Dremel and sandpaper, and glue for the lenses.

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Offline 1nfern0

Re: Just placed the order for my (AM) TK build!
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2024, 08:49:33 PM »
Exciting!! Best of luck. Definitely register on the FISD forums if you haven't yet:
There is a wealth of info on there and if you start a build thread people will be super helpful whenever you have questions (as long as you are polite etc :D).

As far as tools definitely get yourself one of these:
You might want to get some curved Lexan scissors like these too:
You'll also need some strong rare earth magnets and some plastic clamps to hold bits together while the e6000 glues is drying. I'd say about 6 clamps and 12 or so 3/4"-1" magnets, and another 12 or so 1/4" magnets.

I ordered a kit from RS Propmasters and it was pretty raw when it arrived, which was daunting at first, but I started with the arms and legs, and with help from the forums and RS' Youtube channel it gets easier and easier as you go along.

I HIGHLY suggest RS's Youtube channel no matter what armormaker's stuff you are working with as there are some great tips and info about how the originals came together on there, as long as you don't mind a little crude humor from time to time:
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